‘Mshtmíyuusha (Understanding)

Birds begin walking on our roof just before sunrise.

After coffee I’m locked into the online social grid to update our website. I instantly realize there’s always room for improvement. We didn’t start in 2019, it was way earlier, but 2019 was when we filed and received recognition an a non-profit.

I was soon off on a research project around Indian names and original place names along the Columbia River. I soon reached the history of Celilo Village and the history and commerce there. Always makes me feel I was born slightly too late, but today here I am learning and revitalizing what our elders shared with us to follow.

A walk soothes my mind and I’m enticed to email for once about adapting our cultures to fit English concepts, not something I’m familiar with or supportive of. The email soon gets attention and the conversation transition to a phone call to clarify intent and curriculum.

I later transcribe a recording of an elder from 1964 speaking Ichishkín for about 4 minutes straight, talking about the old ways and the transition from that time to living on the reservation where things are different and all mixed up. 

I end the day with writing and meditate on the next steps.  


Xnishanáash (I was digging-roots)


‘Nchí Wánayau (To-the-Big River)